Not everyone loves Staffords

When filling out applications or interviewing for a Stafford puppy do not be surprised if breeders may ask you a LOT of questions which you may find a bit personal. Please keep in mind that they are asking these questions to make sure the puppy they sell to you is going to be living in the best situation possible for its entire life.
They may ask you questions about your home owners insurance or your home owners association or local legislation pertaining to dogs. Too often we find that breeders did not find out until after a dog is in a new home and perhaps has gotten itself in trouble that there are breed specific ordinances or outright bans directed at Staffordshire Bull Terriers. 

Be willing to answer the questions honestly, and also prepare questions for the breeder. The more open and honest the communication before the sale the better for everyone involved.

We get emails all the time from people all over and one of the first things we ask is where do you live and will the new puppy be living at this residence with you full time. If you travel to another location and your Stafford will be joining you, we need to know this as well. All too often we get Staffords back into rescue due to either breeders not asking about these things or excited new owners afraid to tell all and later its discovered that Staffords are not allowed. Remember, if they do not allow ‘pit bulls’ then chances are high Staffords are also not allowed no matter how many times you show them AKC paperwork proving they are Staffordshire Bull Terriers.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, or ever have any issues with your Stafford, please always contact your breeder. Most breeders want to help and be involved. They will be more likely to help guide you and find the needed resources to assist. If your breeder can’t, or won’t help you then contact the breed parent club through the AKC or a local or regional club may also be a good resource.
However, please save everyone heartache and headache and if you cannot legally own a Stafford please get another breed or move to a place you can. Research the breed you want and do your homework first.