It’s an old wives tale but based on science. It’s something I always check.
(Read Arlene Czech’s article by clicking the link below). I’ve included a brief excerpt and photos from the article here. I will post my own photo at the bottom also.

This is what he told me, and I would like to pass it on to others. No need for a visit to the vet, just a simple check. He demonstrated with his dog as to how to tell if a bitch is pregnant. He simply held her head while he lifted her lip, as if checking the bite when judging. He said the gums will be very white at this time. The time? Exactly 21 days from the first tie in breeding. Actually, you need to start a few days before to become used to the gum color. Just a quick look is all you need. The only problem is that it does not stay white forever. Why it is white is that this is the time that the little fetus/egg implants itself on the uterus? In doing so, blood is drained from the bitches’ body and goes to the uterus. You need to check for several days after since some aren’t ready to implant. Recently I have taken pictures of my recent bitch on her 21st day had white gums, and then several days later I took another picture showing her red gums. Breeders do not believe me until they try it themselves and then say “they did turn white!” And if it is not a success then the gums stay red.
by Arlene Czech

(above) Top photo was day 11 post ovulation. Bottom photo is day 20. Her gums are not really white but notice the extreme lack of pigment! We will ultrasound on day 30 and report back the results on this blog entry.