A person whom I admire in another breed recently got me thinking about what I, and others, often find frustrating about showing dogs. You hear it every weekend:
What the hell is that judge thinking? That dog isnt correct….that dog has disqualifying faults….that judge only puts up faces….that dog is heavily campaigned so what do you expect…When did that breed change into that mess….and so on.
Dog showing is a frustrating game. And it IS a game. There are rules, however moving and changing the rules may be…they are in place. One giant reason it becomes so frustrating is that it can take years to first – accept that it is a game and second to either learn to play along or remain frustrated. Its not about the dogs really. Its silly to really think its about finding and showing off the cream of the crop of breeding stock in all breeds. Its about showing up with the very best you can and presenting it like a pro. Know your breed standard inside and out. Be confident about what you present. DO NOT show up with mediocre and pretend its the best.
Judges are human. They cannot know as much as a breed specialist who lives and breathes a particular breed(s) day in and day out. Its up to you to show them correct. Be proud and confident but let it be known. Educate by showing up with the very best you can.
If you do not own the best, or if you are not able to breed the best then you had better go out and find a way to get better dogs. If you are not an able handler then learn to be better or if you can afford it hire a handler who understands your breed well.
Stop sending mediocre to the ring. Stop it. Stop selling puppies that you know full well are pet quality to show homes and insisting they be shown. Really. Stop that. Understand your breed standard like your life depends upon it and then live by that blueprint as closely as you can. Dont make excuses for your dogs faults. If you own a dog or breed a dog that has a disqualifying or serious fault – do not show it. Move on. Dont hide it under a rug. Dont pay someone to photoshop it. (Trust me, as an artist and photographer I have been asked to do all kinds of insane things to dog photos).
The words that this person said to me resonate – let me post them here with my words filled in because it was a long conversation and I dont want the meaning to escape my point:
“It (success) takes ruthless self promotion, education, and perseverance. (Dont simply show better dogs) . . . If they don’t know they are better it doesn’t help. . . . I don’t see it as self promotion but more education with a side of my dogs are correct. . . . I promote the breed. I just am very passionate and forceful on putting through my points and what IS correct without bias. . . .You MUST never give up. It is a steep road but the climb to the top is worth it.”
I wont give up this week.