Cyril x Nealie
‘Marina’ is L2-HGA DNA Unaffected & HC DNA clear, PHPV Unaffected, CERF, CAER, OFA Hip, Patella – GOOD – Thyroid Normal. Marina does NOT carry Black & Tan, but she does carry red.
NADD 2019 Hall of Fame inductee
Marina was born from two fully health tested champion brindle parents who each unbeknownst to us carried a copy of the dilute coat color gene (Dd). I would strongly advise you not to purchase from a breeder who purposely breeds for color, especially breeding dilute to dilute as not only does this cause a lack in breed type and temperament, but also has shown to cause health issues with those puppies. If you really just love blue then go to a breeder who not only fully health tests and can prove results (L2-HGA, HC, PHPV, CERF, Cardiac, OFA Hip, Patella, DM) has non dilute Staffords which carry one copy of the dilute coat color gene and occasionally produce dilute coated puppies. We coat color test now and do not produce dilute coated Staffords. Please do not ask me for a blue puppy. I am a responsible, preservationist breeder who produces Staffords with the breed standard, health, temperament, structure and future of this breed in mind. I do not purposely produce fad colors or types. I do not pay my bills by selling puppies. Purposely bred blue (or any fad color or type) puppies come from breeders who supplement their income by selling puppies. Is this where you wish your next pet to come from? Please make wise choices when selecting your breeder. I am happy to refer you to reputable breeders.
Between her performance abilities and conformation achievements under breeder judges WINNINGEST BLUE STAFFORD IN THE HISTORY OF THE BREED WORLDWIDE. Marina beat more Staffords to attain her Championship and Grand Championship status than any Top Ten Stafford of any color and continues to break records in the breed! Not too shabby for a bitch rarely shown.
So far her get are also proving to be quality with her first litter titling in performance and conformation with 3 CH titles plus many performance titles and her singleton from her 2nd litter easily gaining his title at Specialties with 3 WD/BOW and RWD, BOB from the classes and a Group 3!
Thank you to our very good friends Trevor & Diane Taylor (Niatona) for the use of their gorgeous boy Cyril to produce this long awaited litter. CH Baysend Nice One Cyril Has only produced two litters in the USA and Marina is a result of this AI. The second litter was to our bitch Hula.
‘Marina’ won Reserve Best Puppy in Match in her first puppy match at 11.5 weeks old with huge competition! She went on to win Best Puppy In Show at her second puppy match. We are so proud of her! She also won Best BBE at Great Western Terrier in Long Beach 2012 under UK Judge Jaci McLauchlan and a AKC Puppy Group 2 in Southaven, MS shortly after. She beat her mother and half sister twice for BOB and 2 Group placements at only 9 months old at UKC shows!
At 10 months old 2012 NESBTC Stafford Classic – NY – Friday Sept 28 – BBE, Winners Bitch & Best of Winners – Judge Pat Harkin -“Harkline” UK (5 point major win) – Saturday Sept 29 – BBE, Reserve Winners Bitch (to a major) – Judge Martin Murphy -“Brockmar”
At 19 months old – 2013 Great Western Terrier Association – SBTCA Area 3 Regional Specialty – Long Beach, California – Friday June 21, 2013 – BBE, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners – Judge Eric Galvin – “Scousious” UK (4 point major win) – Saturday June 22, 2013 – BBE, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners – Judge Karon Jackson – “Jackabyte” UK (4 point major win)
NEW CHAMPION with 4 Majors – Specialty wins from the BBE class – UK breeder judges and one single at 6 months old Judge Dr. Robert Smith –
She is the ONLY BLUE Stafford to do this!
Marina won Select Bitch under judge Jodie Sing (Pranksta, AU) at the NESBTC Classic.
After only about a half dozen shows since becoming an AKC Champion – Marina is now the 2nd blue Stafford to ever become an AKC GRAND CHAMPION & FIRST TO BRONZE GRAND CHAMPION!
Marina was the fastest Stafford in the country reaching speeds of 26.39MPH in FastCAT racing in 2016! (AKC has changed their calculating algorithms since this and their website reflects several mistakes in the breed as a result)
Marina is the FIRST Stafford to earn an Air Retrieve Excellent title!
Marina is the FIRST Stafford to earn a Dock Master Advanced title!
Marina placed 1st in BBE class at the 2013 SBTCA National Specialty under judge Tommy Curd (Knockon)
Marina placed 1st in BBE class at the 2013 SBTCA Regional Specialty under judge David Alexander (Brigadoon BT)
Marina placed 2nd in BBE class at the 2013 SBTCA Stafford Spectacular under judge John Ryder (Kannechor)
Critique from Kevin Jones – PSBTC Stafford Extravaganza
Bred By Exhibitor Bitch; Lynn & Jim Caswell’s; Wavemaker Pacifica, Blue bitch of 16 months with a cracking head shape, correct eye placement with darkest of eye I have ever seen on a blue coated Stafford, ears are small and rose, plenty of under-jaw, correct dentition. Bang straight front with tight feet, nice drop of brisket, level top line, good tail carriage, moved well, expertly handled. Reserve Winners Bitch.
Critique from Judge Mr. David Alexander – Area I Regional Specialty Show Saturday, May 25, 2013 1st in Bred By Exhibitor Bitch; Lynn & Jim Caswell’s; Wavemaker Pacifica, 1. #40 Jim & Lynn Caswell’s WAVEMAKER PACIFICA CGC CA by UK CH Baysend Nice One Cyril – CH Cazomic Look Busy CAA CGC (Breeders: Jim & Lynn Caswell)
This blue bitch has a pleasing outline with flowing lines and she is well balanced with good rear angulation. She is very appealing from the front, with a chest of good width, clean shoulder, and straight limbs with slight turn out of feet. Her strong neck enhances her construction, which includes a good tailset and carriage. She has keen expression enhanced by neat ears on a feminine head of good breed type.
Critique from Mr. John Ryder – SBTCA 2013 Stafford Spectacular – Sunday, May 26, 2013 Bred By Exhibitor Bitch; 2nd,Wavemaker Pacifica CGC CA. Flashy bitch in super condition, very good head and expression, strong under jaw, good bite, strong neck, level top line, well ribbed and good tuck up, strong well angulated back end, handled very well.
Critique from Judge Tommy Curd – SBTCA National Specialty – Friday, May 24, 2013 – Bred By Exhibitor Bitches 1st – Caswell’s – Wavemaker Pacifica CGC CA
Very nice blue bitch. Strong head with a deep through round eye. Short muzzle, straight front, level top line and good back-end.
Critique from GWTA 2013 – Judge Eric Galvin – Bred by Exhibitor Bitch 1st – Wavermaker Pacifica Blue, yes BLUE. A bitch of great quality and my advice to you all is to go over this bitch with your eyes closed, let your hands tell you what your eyes are trying to fight against, yes she is a blue but she is all Stafford from the sculptured head piece with the best of ears straight front spring of rib great back end and if I could have a bitch with the qualities she has I wouldnt care what colour she was ,is her colour in the standard Yes of course it is.
Critique from WINNERS BITCH and BEST OF WINNERS SBTCA – Supported entry – GWTA – Judge Ms. Karon Jackson – Bred By Exhibitor Bitch 1st Caswell’s WAVEMAKER PACIFICA CA CGC – Blue bitch who possesses all the attributes of a typical Staffordshire bull terrier. A very eye catching bitch who has captivating ring presence. Pleasing head shape of good size and shape. Deep through skull with good width. Short enough in foreface, distinct stop. Balanced head. Well set neat ears and good eye placement offering a feminine keen expression. Clean lipped. Good bite. Strong enough in underjaw. Straight front. Well sprung rib, good depth of brisket. Good bone. Level topline standing and on the move. Pleasing lines throughout. Great coat, smooth and short. She is in great physical condition, tucked up well into strong loins. Defined muscled hind quarters and well let down in hocks with enough bend to stifle. She stood foursquare and her handler got the very best from her. I am sure she will continue to do very well as her attributes are numerous and there for all to see. I had no hesitation in awarding her WINNERS BITCH. BEST OF WINNERS: Caswell’s WAVEMAKER PACIFICA CA CGC – My Winners bitch who won through to this award on her overall breed type and ring presence. So alive and alert, quite charismatic. She is young and I’m sure will continue to impress and secure more top honours. Well deserved
Critique – BEST OF WINNERS. SBTCA 2014 National Specialty Friday, April 11, 2014 – Sacramento, CA Judge Ms. Justine Blyth Award of Merit – GCH WAVEMAKER PACIFICA CA CGC S. Ch Baysend Nice One Cyril D. Ch Cazomic Look Busy CAA RN BN CGC. Bitch. Owner: J Caswell & L Caswell Breeder: J Caswell & L Caswell Nearly 3yrs old Blue. The old saying a good dog is never a bad colour rings true here. A quality bitch with a strong yet feminine head, clean and without exaggeration. Scissor bite. Eyes dark enough to rival most, excellent pigment. Nose of course not black – but it requires a close look. Strong clean neck into a level topline. Ribs well sprung and a good depth of brisket. Well angled hindquarters and short hocks. Correct croup allowing a pump handle tail. Moved with an economy of effort, carrying a level topline moving and standing. A bitch with many virtues. Presented in good condition.
Las Vegas Show 3 – SBTCA National Specialty show – Judge: Pete Hopgood (Antroboss)
Select Bitch Caswell’s GCHB CH Wavemaker Pacifica – Beautiful blue, lovely head shape and expression, good ear carriage, correct bite, super front, a well-balanced bitch with a clean outline, presented in hard fit condition, moved well – handled to perfection.
Marina is 3 times CRUFTS QUALIFIED by winning an Award of Merit at the 2014 Sacramento SBTCA National Specialty under judge Justine Blyth -and CRUFTS QUALIFIED again being awarded an Award of Merit at SBTCA National Specialty 2015 in Perry, GA under Judge Craig Frazer (Highbourne, AU) and CRUFTS QUALIFIED again (3rd time!) being awarded Select Bitch at SBTCA National Specialty 2017 in Las Vegas, NV under Judge Pete Hopgood (Antroboss, UK). She also was Award of Merit under judge Shaun Stone (Ashbiull, UK) at the SBTCA Regional Specialty and Award of Merit at Stafford Roulette under judge Jodie Sing in Las Vegas, NV in 2017.
Marina was featured in a Petco commercial on Dock Diving at Eukanuba and may appear in advertising in their stores around the country. She was the SBT face of the AKC for three years on their website 2015, 2017 & 2017.
Marina was the #2 World Champion Lap Dog with NADD at 2014 & #4 in 2015, #3 in 2016 and #2 in 2017 NADD National Championships sponsored by Eukanuba in Orlando Florida!
Marina is featured on You Tube on the AKC Channel in a series on How To Dock Dive made by AKC and NADD. She beat her PB in Perry, GA by grabbing an Air Retrieve jump at 11’ and a recent PB Big Air at 16’4”! Marina is the TOP STAFFORD in NADD Air Retrieve after her placement at the 2017 NADD National Championship. What a dog!
Marina had a litter of four gorgeous brindle puppies by Ch Attitude Drop Dead Handsome in June 2015. Thank you to Dima and Julia Maslov for the use of your gorgeous boy.
Marina was bred to CH Ashbull O’Shea in 2017 – There is one black brindle male puppy from this litter – Wavemaker This Charming Man. He is co-owned with us and in a pet home.
Marina was shown in the UK at Bath Champ show and also at Western Champ show and also at 2018 Crufts. She held her own amongst some of the top Stafford bitches in the world. She looked like she belonged in those rings and received excellent feedback. Still looks the part at over 8 years old!
Highlights From Marina’s Career:
Reserve Best Puppy in Match in her first puppy match at 11.5 weeks
Best Puppy In Show at her second puppy match
Puppy Group 2 in Southaven, MS
WB – Judge Dr. Robert Smith
NESBTC Stafford Classic – BBE, Winners Bitch & Best of Winners – UK Judge Pat Harkin
NESBTC Stafford Classic – BBE, Reserve Winners Bitch – UK Judge Martin Murphy
Best BBE at Great Western Terrier – UK Judge Jaci McLauchlan
1st in BBE class – SBTCA National Specialty – UK Judge Tommy Curd
1st in BBE class – SBTCA Regional Specialty – Judge David Alexander
2nd in BBE class – SBTCA Stafford Spectacular – UK Judge John Ryder
BBEG3 – Judge John Constantine
WB/BOW/BBE – PSBTC – UK Judge John Scanlan
RWB – PSBTC – UK Judge Kevin Jones
GWTA – SBTCA Area 3 Reg Specialty – BBE/WB/BOW – UK Judge Eric Galvin
GWTA – BBE, WB/BOW – UK Judge Karon Jackson NEW CHAMPION
NESBTC – Select Bitch – AU Judge Jodie Sing
HCKC – BOS – Judge Dawn Hansen
HCKC – BOB – Judge Alvin Krauss
BOB Galveston KC – Judge Chris Jacksic
Florida Winter cluster – 3 SB, 4 BOS, 2 BOB
BOS – Morris & Essex – Judge Chris Jacksic (thank you Rebecca Clas)
Award of Merit – SBTCA National Specialty – AU Judge Justine Blyth
FIRST Stafford to title with NADD (with 3 others same weeken)
#2 NADD World Champion All Breed Lap Dog, #1 SBT
AOM SBTCA Supported show – Las Vegas – UK Judge Gillian Skelly
Florida Winter cluster – 6 BOS, 1 BOB
Award of Merit – SBTCA National Specialty – AU Judge Craig Frazer
Featured on You Tube on the AKC Channel in a series on How To Dock Dive
#4 NADD World Champion All Breed Lap Dog, #1 SBT
Featured in a Petco commercial on Dock Diving at Eukanuba
AOM – Regional Specialty in Chicago – UK Judge Wynny Southworth
SB – SBTCA Supported Entry Chicago UK Judge Liz Stanway
AOM – Area 2 Regional Specialty – UK Judge Danny Gilmore
#1 SBT – FastCAT – 26.39MPH
#2 NADD World Champion All Breed Lap Dog, #1 SBT
Select Bitch – SBTCA National Specialty – UK Judge Pete Hopgood
Award of Merit – SBTCA Regional Specialty- UK Judge Shaun Stone
Award of Merit – Stafford Roulette – AU Judge Jodie Sing
#2 NADD World Champion All Breed Lap Dog, #2 SBT
BRONZE GRAND CHAMPION in limited showing, mostly specialties
Shown in the UK at Bath Champ show and at Western Champ show
The SBT website face of the AKC – 2015, 2016 & 2017
Shown in UK at Crufts
FIRST Stafford to earn NADD Air Retrieve Advanced
#2 NADD World Champion All Breed Lap Dog (AR), #2 SBT
Best Veteran – SBTCA National Specialty – UK Judge Kevin Jones
FIRST Stafford to earn NADD Dock Master Advanced
NADD HALL OF FAME, 1st and only SBT
Three times Crufts Qualified
Four times NADD National Championship Qualified in Distance and AR
Only SBT to title and place in top 3 in every level NADD
SBTCA Versatility – Bronze Level
Produced 5 puppies – 4 CH at Specialties, all titled, all health tested