We at Wavemaker naturally rear our dogs. This means more than simply feeding a Species Appropriate Raw Diet. We do not use chemicals, toxins or pesticides on or around our dogs if it can be helped. We believe in the use of titers instead of vaccines, minimal or no vaccinations (except where state law requires). Many vaccines contain Gentamicin, a hazardous ingredient. The rabies vaccine is especially bad for this. When gentamicin is given for too long, or at too high a dose it is toxic to certain kidney cells and directly causes progressive kidney failure (renal failure) in dogs. We do not expose our dogs to Flea or Tick poisons or Heartworm preventatives. This means we do not use topicals such as Advantage, etc. nor do we give monthly Heartguard and the like. We do perform bi-annual Heartworm, Lyme & Erlichia testing. We prefer to utilize homeopathic remedies and essential oils whenever possible and have had excellent results doing so. We utilize natural products, such as human grade DE for worming and flea control if needed on our dogs to keep them safe, healthy and happy. We try to use homeopathic, osteopathic and holistic products as much as possible. We do employ the use of traditionally trained veterinarians should the need arise, however we mainly attempt to treat them ourselves or with the assistance of several holistically trained homeopaths and osteopaths. We do use a local very well respected reproductive veterinarian who is traditionally trained for our canine reproductive needs.
We give utmost care and attention to our dogs for the preservation and improvement of the breed. We pay close attention to the health and temperaments of our dogs and any litter we may breed. We are responsible for each and every dog that leaves our home for the life of that dog no matter the circumstances and we welcome back any puppy or dog we have bred for any reason. In fact, we insist on that! We are there for support, advice and friendship to anyone owning a Stafford from us.
We are active in AKC and several breed clubs plus canine legislation groups, natural rearing groups and homeopathic and osteopathic lists. We will offer information on any of these to anyone owning a Stafford from us – or anyone interested in the breed. We do not deal with brokers, pet stores, commercial facilities, agents or any third party. We do not support any type of mistreatment of, training for or participation in any canine related illegal activities. We work towards the elimination of any unfair canine legislation, especially BSL (Breed Specific Legislation). The following links may be of interest to those seeking information on Natural Rearing.
Natural Pest & Parasite Information (Young Living Essential Oils)
(Please see the Essential Oils page here to learn about how you can use these amazing oils for your dogs and yourself. Lynn is a Young Living distributer and is available for help and support)
Fleas and Ticks –
Peppermint Oil (at least 8 drops) in a glass spray bottle – spray the dogs daily during flea season — not ONE flea in years. Be sure that you use a GLASS sprayer
OR 12 oz of hydrosol of any kind (lavender, peppermint, or Idaho Tansy are recommended, but purified water maybe used if the essential waters/hydrosols are not available)
10 drops each of these therapeutic essential oils:
melaleuca & rosemary (or melrose), citronella, idaho tansy, eucalyptus, lemongrass, pine, sage, cedarwood, orange, lemon, peppermint, lavender, thieves, and/or purification.
Heartworms –
Give 1 t ground up raw organic pumpkin seeds daily – or – Black Walnut Wormwood Tincture in vegetable glycerine (not alcohol). Give once a day for 1 week along with Green Clay & DE, and Pumpkinseed Hulls in food in April & October.
Herbs: hawthorn, digestive enzymes, probiotic, black walnut hull, echinacia, goldenseal
Flower essences: crabapple
Essential oils: aromalife (rub on heart area), thieves, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, rose, rosemary, (& same as above), RDT!
Supplements: HRT, cardiacare, sulferzyme, powermeal, mineral essence, parafree, cleansing trio
Skunk –
2 ounces of distilled water with fifteen drops of Peppermint and five drops of Lemon.
Allergies –
SulfurZyme – great for all kinds of allergies
Natural Pest & Parasite Control:
Mosquito Barrier
Low Cost & Guaranteed Homeopathic/Herbal Flea & Tick Collars
Herbal Heartworm Protection
Heartworm Free
Earthworks Health — Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
Routinely Worming Our Dogs
Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitoes: Pet Health Care or Billion Dollar Pet Industry?
Pesticides & Preventatives Poisoning Pets?
Heartworms, Fleas, Ticks: What They Have in Common & Why A Natural Approach Is a True Preventive
Are Spot On Flea Killers Safe?
Natural Heartworm Prevention and treatment
Demodectic Mange/Alternative Therapies for treatment
Natural First Aid Preparedness for Dogs
We use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth as a natural worming product, and also to control fleas.
Natural Rearing Links:
Natural Rearing website – For Those Who Choose To Think For Themselves
Are We Over Vaccinating Our Pets?
Natural Rearing Breeders Association
Articles on Alternative Health For Your Dog (link to The Whole Dog website articles page
See our blog posts on Essential oils and their benefits for your dog
All Wavemaker pups to be sold on contract to pre-approved homes only. Expect to wait a while if approved. Local to S.E., no/low vax, raw fed homes preferred. Must collect pup in person. No shipping.
We do not breed for color. Please do not ask for a blue puppy. We do not breed often therefore we will probably refer you to reputable breeders who health test whom we trust.
Copyright 2003-2021 by Wavemaker Staffords. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws. Unauthorized use of our material is strictly prohibited. Please ask for permission if interested in usage.
Play nice, we share.