If you live under a rock or dont have a FB or IG account you may not know about some very exciting new projects we have been working on for Stafford owners, breeders, lovers – The Stafford Knot has produced a set of new books which are selling wonderfully all over the world! The proceeds from the books go into the TSK rescue funds just like everything else we do with The Stafford Knot, Inc. 501(c)(3). If you are interested in these books please visit www.thestaffordknot.com.
Speaking of The Stafford Knot – we recently moved our website to a new host and redesigned the entire site.
After many years with Mac Highway we decided the customer service was lacking and moved over to Dream Host. It was a lot of work and could never have been done without the help of Tom Jacob. He has been working tirelessly (while also raising a litter) making sure things all work the way they should and helping me learn Word Press. Its like removing a band aid – you anticipate the hurt but if you just jump in and do it – things get better quickly.
We also have introduced a new project that has been in the works for about a year now. The need for mentoring is great in this breed – so many new people are involved and havent been mentored at all or if so not well or enough so that we decided to create – SBT Mentor – this is a volunteer based worldwide project offering people a way to connect and learn together. Once this gets going it may snowball but we need support in order to create the match up database. For now we created a new website – SBTMentor.com and on this site there is a lengthy form. Anyone wishing to mentor in any number of topics is encouraged to complete the form for evaluation.
This brings me to the next big HUGE project – and that will be moving THIS website over to the new host – this is an enormous website. Recreating it in WP may take me months….knowing me I will work 24/7 and it will be completed soon.
Stay tuned.